The UK Pound GBP sterling’s buying rate in Pakistan stands at Rs349.92 while the selling rate is Rs354.81 in the open market on Tuesday. The UK Pound witnessed an increase of Rs1.82 compared to the previous closing of Rs348.09 in the open market.
The currency code for the British Pound Sterling is GBP, which is the official currency of the United Kingdom. The pound sign (£) is used for the British Pound Sterling, also known as “sterling.”
Over 1.5 million Pakistani expatriates reside in the United Kingdom. These expatriates send remittances back to their families in Pakistan and closely monitor the exchange rate.
Date |
Latest Exchange Rate |
Change |
December 24, 2024 |
Rs. 349.92 |
Rs. 1.83 |
December 23, 2024 |
Rs. 348.09 |
At the current exchange rate of Rs349.92, 500 UK Pounds will be equal to Rs174,960 in Pakistani currency.
At the current exchange rate of Rs349.92, 1,000 UK Pounds will be equal to Rs349,920 in Pakistani currency.
People carrying UK Pound with them to Pakistan can visit banks or branches of exchange companies to convert GBP into PKR.