UK Pound to PKR latest exchange rate today
GBP to PKR Rate on February 20, remained consistent with the previous day's rate
GBP to PKR Rate on February 20, remained consistent with the previous day's rate
Over 1.5 million Pakistani expatriates residing in the United Kingdom
There was no change in exchange rate compared to the previous closing rate
GBP sees hike against Pakistani rupee
UK Pound sees hike against Pakistani rupee
UK Pound (GBP) sees decrease of Rs2.95 in the open market
Over 1.5 million Pakistani expatriates reside in the United Kingdom
UK Pound witnesses no change compared to previous closing
Over 1.5 million Pakistani expatriates reside in the United Kingdom
British Pound weakened by Rs3.33 compared to the previous closing rate
Exchange rate stands at Rs345.55, meaning 500 UK pounds will equal Rs172,775 in Pakistani Rupees
Sterling strengthens against Pakistani rupee in open market
Over 1.5 million Pakistani expatriates live in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom remains an important economic partner for Pakistan