Think about the mothers, the fathers, the children on that train. Think about their fear, their confusion, and their helplessness as their world was turned upside down by this cruel attack. This was not just an act of violence against individuals; it was a cold-blooded declaration of war on everything Pakistan stands for. And it is not just the physical violence that enrages us. It is the flood of lies and deception, designed to divide us, spread fear, and make us question everything we believe in.
This assault, both physical and psychological, is an outrage, which we firmly believe fomented from locations as close as Afghanistan and as evidential as India. Our patience has run out. Enough is enough. We, the people, demand decisive action, firm defense, and unyielding protection. Pakistan must now act, with unwavering resolve and the full might of its national power, to eradicate this multi-faceted threat.
The initial facts of the attack are terrifying. Terrorists, with clear affiliations to the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) – a group with a long history of targeting civilians – seized control of a train on March 11, 2025, holding innocent women and children as human shields. The group’s cruelty is so sickening that it leaves you utterly speechless.
The almost instantaneous and suspiciously coordinated launch of a disinformation campaign on social media and through certain overwhelmingly Indian news channels reveals a concerted effort to weaponize the attack.
On the other hand, you see our soldiers. Fearless, determined, facing down pure evil. The men's of SSG and SOG – they are our protectors, our hope in the darkest hours. They moved with a skill born of intense training and a deeper courage born of love for their country and its people. Each rescued civilian, pulled from that nightmare, is a victory against overwhelming odds. Each life saved is a testament to their profound humanity, in sharp and perfect contrast, to the darkness showed by this terrorist attack.
Yet, beyond the immediate battlefield, a wider, more insidious conflict is unfolding. The almost instantaneous and suspiciously coordinated launch of a disinformation campaign on social media and through certain overwhelmingly Indian news channels reveals a concerted effort to weaponize the attack. Lies, fake photos, old videos twisted into propaganda with AI-generated "evidence". This is not just bad journalism; it is a deliberate attack on our minds, on our hearts, at our very moment of vulnerability. Imagine searching for truth, for comfort, amidst the horror, and finding only poison, meticulously crafted to mislead.
That is what the BLA and their allies in Indian social media sphere are doing: preying on our fear, feeding us fabrications, trying to break our spirit. In addition, it is not just speculation; independent fact-checkers have exposed these posts – their posts – as either recycled old footage or outright AI-generated fakes. They are not even trying to hide their cruelty; they are reveling in it, and because the BLA mission failed, now they have to show their handlers fake images to get huge money. The BLA’s cruelty also points toward a direct complicity, if not outright control, by Indian state actors and their media proxies, constituting a flagrant act of aggression that cannot be ignored. Pakistan will, without an iota of doubt, present international claims in response to this aggression.
Moreover, and perhaps most disturbingly, intelligence reports confirm once again the direct involvement of handlers based in Afghanistan, directing and orchestrating the attack. The repeated use of Afghan soil as a sanctuary, training ground, and launching pad for terrorist operations against Pakistan represents a catastrophic failure of the Afghan authorities to address the threat emanating from within their borders. This is not a matter of internal Afghan politics; it is a matter of direct and existential national security for Pakistan. This open source of attacks on Pakistani territory must be stopped by any means necessary.
On the other hand, the sickening celebrations of this terrorist attack, shamelessly displayed by certain groups operating within Pakistan, including the Baloch Yakjeheti Committee (BYC) and the Baloch Students Organization (BSO), remove any remaining pretense of legitimate political activism. Their overt sympathy for terrorists and willingness to amplify the narratives of those who seek to destroy Pakistan makes them accomplices in this war. There must be a swift, decisive, and unyielding crackdown on these internal subversives. Their actions cannot, and will not, be tolerated. There are limits – red lines not to be crossed. Those lines have already been abused.
The Jaffar Express attack demands a comprehensive, unwavering, and multi-pronged response. Pakistan is not merely facing isolated terrorist acts; it is confronting a coordinated and multi-dimensional campaign of destabilization. It demands a war fought simultaneously:
Against external state aggression. All measures, not limited to diplomacy, must be pursued to end forever sanctuaries across borders, and against internal support for such hostile actions. To protect citizens, the message must be unequivocal: Pakistan will defend itself. Pakistan will prevail. Pakistan, as any nation on the face of the earth, has the power, resources, and the will to respond.